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Title With lots of love, great for KP skin
Posted by namimouana (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2017-05-22 06:21:41
  • Recommend 4 Recommend
  • Views 146

I triple love this Grape Seed product line. The scent is very pleasant and doesn't bother anyone at all (it's actually very addicting). Not sure how many people suffer from KP (keratosis pilaris) also known as Chicken Skin but I am one of them. Throughout the years, I've been trying so hard to get rid of my chicken skin and I didn't dare to wear shorts because I felt embarrassed of my bare legs exposing to the public. I especially have super white legs which makes it easier for people to just stare at it. I had first started purchasing this line, the Grape Seed Body Lotion and the Body Oil. As I used it, I started noticing the difference in my skin especially my legs. I noticed that the redness began to decease and my skin texture started feeling soft. Now those with chicken skin are aware that your skin is always dry and rough. This means that you really need to find something that will deeply moisturize and penetrate your skin to resolve it. As I said, prior to using the product, I would highly recommend you to exfoliate your skin in the shower. This would include using an exfoliating product dispensing to you hand and then exfoliating them with another item like a brush or bath pouf to see the results. I usually use the body oil to massage the skin for 3-5 mins, then the body lotion (wait at least 10 mins before applying the cream). The cream is very moisturizing to the skin. You will see the results after a week of exfoliating and dedication of spending more than half hour to just apply all the products to your skin. This is in fact some serious dedication to your skin (cries, how I wish I was this dedicated to losing my weight).

Attachment DSC_0098.jpg , DSC_0101.jpg
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