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Title Dry? You should definitely try this! Dehydrated? Read further.
Posted by uttan (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2015-12-14 09:54:15
  • Recommend 90 Recommend
  • Views 1159

I think I've realised why this mask divides people to two camps: it's moisturising in protecting and healing dry skin, but it isn't hydrating. That isn't a bad thing at all (see the 5-star rating!), but I want to make sure people expect the right effects from this mask.

The mask is very calming, healing, protecting for dry skin; think the kind of reddish, flaky dry skin we often get in the winter, or even eczema. It's thick and creamy, though I wouldn't describe it as oily or heavy (compared to say mineral oil or vaseline). I use this as the final step of my night routine after actives and hydrating moisturisers, and it helps seal in moisture, heal my skin and prevent dry patches overnight.

In terms of product comparison:

COSRX Rice Mask is more like Nivea Creme (very similar consistency) or Aquaphor, less like Hada Labo Perfect Gel or COSRX Snail all-in-one.

If your skin is dry, you have to try this, and you are likely to see improvement by adding it into your routine by itself.

If your skin is dehydrated, this could help you after adequately hydrating products like Hada Labo or the Honey Mask, but it won't hydrate by itself and you need to make sure you have the adequate hydration beforehand.

I actually think the Rice Mask is a unique product among the Asian moisturisers I've tried, which tend to be more watery and hydrating compared to Western ones. I live in a cold, harsh winter climate, and I can't imagine living without this; I by far prefer it to similar Western creams.

Photos: scale to two other popular COSRX products and a banana + demonstrating the consistency of the cream.

Attachment ricemask-consistency.jpg , ricemask-scale.jpg
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